Modal Training Ltd - The Supply of Marine Equipment
MODAL Training Ltd provides a wide range of courses and bespoke competency development to the maritime, offshore, ports and logistics sectors. Modal Training Ltd is part of the TEC Partnership, a group of dynamic and innovative further and higher education colleges and training providers. In 2019, as part of the business' strategic development, Humber Maritime College was launched to provide training for officer cadets within the merchant navy and also course for upskilling existing sea farers. We are now looking to continue this development with the creation of a marine engineering training facility. This requires a full range of working and non-working marine plant and equipment in order to replicate the on-board engineering systems. We are seeking to acquire a mix of used or new items of equipment for training purposes in marine engineering, and thus the items of equipment that would be deployed of a vessel. These items have to have an economic application in training for at least 5 years. Background: The TEC Partnership and Modal Training Ltd is part of a unique collaboration between higher and further education providers and employers to establish an Institute of Technology (IoT) in Lincolnshire. The IoT will specialise in delivering higher-level technical skills which aim to help close skills gaps and improve productivity. Modal are leading on a programme to develop the maritime cadets for the future. Modal Training Ltd has named a number of products/specifications based upon a technical assessment, and is seeking suitable suppliers who can provide the items of equipment in readiness for Teaching in the Autumn.
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CPV Codes
34930000 - Marine equipment
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors