Modification of Surface Clearance Devices (SCD) WARRIOR Pallets for utilisation on TERRIER.
Pallets. Expressions of interest are sought for a package of work that will include the re-design, modification, and refurbishment of up to 13 sets of fabricated steel Warrior Surface Clearance Device (SCD) Transport Pallets, which will enable the SCD and its associated ancillary components to be safely and securely transported on a variety of platforms. The pallets are constructed from steel, and are 4 270 m long, 2 290 m wide, 0,195 m high and weigh approximately 800 kg.The work package will include:a) Re-design, modification, and refurbishment up to 13 sets of the SCD Transport Pallet. As well as meeting any road transport regulations, the modified pallets shall meet air transport requirements in accordance with Def Stan 00-3, and the RAF's Joint Air Delivery Test and Evaluation Unit (JADTEU)'s Airportability Information and Design Guide;b) Provision of a technical drawing pack for the modified pallet;c) Provision of support to JADTEU in their evaluation of the design to ensure that it is fit for transport by air;d) Modification of up to 13 storage bins to make the hinge/securing arrangement more robust and to prevent ingress of dirt and water.e) Update of existing technical documentation (including Operating Instructions, Maintenance Schedules and Illustrated Parts Lists) to reflect the modifications to the pallet;f) Provision of a basic ‘train the trainer' course for training in the use of the modified pallet and the use of the SCD itself;g) Update of the SCD Safety Hazard analysis and Safety Cases for both the modified pallet and the SCD itself;h) Provision of up to 13 tarpaulins.It is intended that the work should be completed by December 2014.Expressions of Interest and PQQ responses must be received by the Authority no later than 12:00 on the 25.4.2014.
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CPV Codes
44143000 - Pallets
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors