Modular Build - Kings Lynn & Rackheath Health Facilities, Norfolk
Modular Build - Kings Lynn & Rackheath Health Facilities, Norfolk SBS Framework - Modular Building Framework Reference: SBS/10091 Background: The vision of NHS PS and the Clinical Care Commissioning Group is to construct two new purpose-built health care facilities in King's Lynn and Rackheath in Norfolk. The King's Lynn site will have a combined net area of 1574m2 constructed on Nar Ouse Way in the regeneration area. The Rackheath site will have a net internal area of 1586m2 and will be constructed alongside an extra care facility and residential homes off Broad Lane. The buildings are required to meet the BREEAM excellent and Net Zero standards. There is also a requirement to demonstrate how the contractor will add social value to the local community during the construction process and following completion. Due to time constraints NHS PS have recommended that a Modern Method of Construction (MMC) approach is the viable solution to enable an accelerated delivery of both health facilities. The solution requires the contractor to provide a turnkey solution, including undertaking any surveys and investigations, and appointing the required project team including all designers and sub-contractors, planning consultants required to deliver the schemes. Two-Stage Tendering. The first stage will be a Pre-Construction Services Agreement to work with NHS PS, tenants and commissioners to develop the building design to a point where fixed price proposals can be tabled. The second stage will comprise the construction of the facility for the fixed price established during Stage 1.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45210000 - Building construction work
44211100 - Modular and portable buildings
71220000 - Architectural design services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors