MOLA: DFID Mozambiques Land Action Programme — Local Level Challenge Fund.
The overall objectives of the MOLA programme are:— Make existing land data and transactions publicly available for different purposes: land administration, planning of land and resource use and allocation, rights protection, and to eventually support local capacity for fiscal/audit and their respective collection of land taxes;— To strategically generate local participation of local institutions and individuals in supporting and reaching consensus for the exercise of land use plans, achieving enhance tenure security and a minimum threshold of transparency over land transactions;— Create the capacity to plan adequate processes and build a medium-term portfolio of land interventions to capture new data and rights on land for administration purposes, local planning, and to promote economic investments at local level. The workstreams designed to achieve the above objectives include the following deliverables:— Manage and inform — Land information management capacity of local authorities, improving public information and participation on land transactions (level 1): Designed to equip and train local authorities to manage land information and make it publicly available to better engage with local population;— Participate and plan — Land Use Plans achieved through local consensus (level 2): The 2nd work stream will further build and train territorial planning capacity for those authorities that have demonstrated a minimum of capacities to manage and inform their public on land transactions (Level 1); — Deliver and appropriate — Fund Land Use plans that place land at the Centre of development for local authorities (level 3): Serve with a competitive fund those eligible land administrations that have a robust portfolio of land interventions to enforce the exercise and appropriation of land rights at local level.
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CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors