Monitoring Designated Sites: Setting Priorities and Making Best Use of New Technology
2. Project Aims Update the current CSM approach to monitoring protected areas by the Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies (SNCBs) within the UK. This update will adapt to the availability of new technologies and ensure effective choices are made in respect of monitoring frequency and techniques applied. This will complement the two-route site selection model and existing Common Standards Monitoring (CSM) Guidance and help the SNCB's achieve two objectives: i.Continue to report on the condition of designated conservation sites in the UK effectively; and ii.maximise the value of the CSM process in supporting effective site management. Note that this contract is in two Phases. Section 6 of this contract is therefore relevant and should be noted in respect of the second phase of the work. 3.Project Background This project will span the 2018_19 and 2019_20 financial years and have two phases. Phase 1 should be completed by 29 March 2019. If undertaken, Phase 2 should be completed by June 2019. The contractor must split their bid timings and costs into these two Phases. An Inter-agency Working Group (IAWG) is updating the CSM Guidelines and is developing updated and transparent approaches to site monitoring that maximise the value of the human and financial resources available. The IAWG (with a representative from each of four countries) want to combine new technologies with the more traditional expertise of the SNCBs, to devise a way which is efficient, effective, reliable, and delivers for biodiversity. The need to review CSM monitoring The original Common Standards Monitoring (CSM) was designed to be a rapid assessment method to be carried out, in most cases, by Conservation Officers or Site Managers. It aimed at being a low-risk, comprehensive, approach which ensured that all elements of the A/SSSI (Area/Site of Special Scientific Interest) network were covered at least once in every six years and was a good way to report on the condition of sites individually and in aggregate. However, the method resulted in many 'no change' assessments, at considerable cost. The SNCBs want to develop a strategy for future monitoring of A/SSSIs that allows resources to be used most effectively.
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CPV Codes
90700000 - Environmental services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors