Monitoring of Allis Shad and Smelt in Tamar Estuaries
Defra procuring on behalf of Natural England. Background to project: Allis shad (Alosa alosa) is a designated feature of the Plymouth Sound and Estuaries Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Cucumber smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) is a designated feature of the Tamar Estuary Sites Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) which overlaps with the SAC. Both species are poorly researched within the site and as a result Natural England wishes to commission research into their condition and distribution. Requirement: Natural England requires contractors to design and undertake surveys to meet the following three areas of interest : 1. Monitoring of Allis shad within Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC. 2. Monitoring of smelt within Tamar Estuary Sites MCZ. 3. Survey/review of seasonal distribution of smelt and Allis . shad within Plymouth Marine Protected Areas.
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