MonTour 02 2023 - Multi-Disciplinary Design Team for infrastructural developments along the proposed Dromore River Blueway, Co Monaghan
Monaghan County Council intends to appoint a Design Team to provide designs for infrastructual developments along the proposed 12km Dromore River Blueway (Ballybay to Lisnalong), Co Monaghan. Monaghan County Council has secured Project Development funding under the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructural Fund 2022 and there is now a requirement for a team to identify the infrastructural requirements along this proposed route, to provide detailed designs for same and to submit a Part 8 Planning application for the project to progress it to shovel-ready stage for future funding opportunities. A paddle survey of the route has been undertaken by Canoeing Ireland and is included in the tender documentation.The design team will be tasked with progressing these developments to detailed design and planning application stage, the design of which must align with the requirements outlined in the Blueway Development Strategy and must take into consideration the area's natural unspoiled environment
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1 Possible Competitors