MORPHEUS Battlefield Management Application.
Command and control system. The MORPHEUS Battlefield Management Application (BMA) will form a key part of the MORPHEUS Sub-Programme and will deliver a field-able BMA solution which is capable of being integrated with the Evolve to Open System (EvO). MORPHEUS is a £3.2Bn JFC / Army Sub-Programme within the LE TacCIS programme. It will deliver a core component of the next generation of Tactical Communication and Information Systems (TacCIS) capability and will enable Evolutionary Capability Development (ECD).The first stage of MORPHEUS is EvO which will replace BOWMAN with a modular system using an open system architecture; this allows individual components to be commercially competed separately and gives complete ownership of the capability to the MOD. MORPHEUS will then deliver Defence-driven (rather than industry-driven) rapid spiral development of applications and regular technology updates to incrementally improve capability. The EvO System will utilise a Tactical Integration Framework (TIF), further information on this is available at II.2.1) below.The BMA solution will deliver functionality including Geo-Spatial Services, Operating Picture, Mission Planning and Execution, and ORBAT/Task Org Editor. Further information on this functionality can be found below at II.2.1) below. The BMA will support commanders at all levels to achieve a common operating picture including situational awareness relevant to the ‘local’ commander and enable local commanders to plan and execute missions.The Authority is seeking to undertake a collaborative development approach to the BMA in order to optimise the chosen provider's solution within the wider EvO System. This will involve collaborative interaction with the User, the MORPHEUS Coordinating Design Organisation and General Dynamics UK Ltd. The Authority considers a willingness to undertake this development work a key part of the delivery of the BMA.The BMA solution will need to comply with the six MORPHEUS Architecture Principles, which an be found below at II.2.1) below.As well as delivering the BMA during the initial term of the Contract the supplier will be required to provide an associated Training Package for the First of Type Trials (FOT) and other Training Artefacts. The Authority is also seeking to include options for further support after a Main Gate Business Case. These options include In-service Software Support, Scaling to a Fielded Operational Capability and Post Design Services.
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CPV Codes
42961000 - Command and control system
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors