MORPHEUS Evolve to Open
Radio transmission apparatus with reception apparatus. Communications equipment. Communications infrastructure. Command, Control, Communication systems. Tactical Command, Control and Communication systems. MORPHEUS is a Defence Sub-Programme that will deliver the next generation of Tactical CIS (TacCIS) capability, introducing a more agile TacCIS solution (both technical and business) that will enable emergent technology to be rapidly exploited for User benefit, be more responsive to changes in User need, and will realise efficiencies in the way in which TacCIS capability is acquired, supported and critical system obsolescence is managed. In line with the Defence Information Strategy*, MORPHEUS will enable, delivery of the tactical element of the Single Information Environment enabling decision support and information superiority for commanders in the LE battle-space through the rapid exploitation of emergent technology to maximise user agility, and reduce delivery times and cost by eradicating vendor lock-in to become Masters of our own Destiny EvO will deliver the MORPHEUS EvO system baseline, developed, tested and ready for field trials and ensure the development of ISS as an innovative Design Authority and the de-facto MORPHEUS prime of the future The EvO Transition Partner is intended to enable the following outcomes; 1. Vendor Independence. The Authority as the de-facto prime controlling an open supply chain that is 100% vendor independent on the delivery of the EvO baseline; 2. Tactical edge of Single Information Environment. Common, resilient Defence as a Platform (DaaP) services securely extended into the tactical battle-space and integrated onto Land Environment platforms (including the dismounted soldier); 3. Improved Information Superiority. Better decision making at pace through the provision and sharing of timely and accurate all-source information, including with Allies; 4. Rapid exploitation of emergent technology. An open, delaminated architecture that enables rapid, responsive and safe reconfiguration of both the system and services; 5. Increased agility and flexibility. Up-to-date, evergreen capability in the hands of the user; 6. Reduced delivery times. Increased acquisition responsiveness for delivery; and 7. Reduced costs. Open, MOD-owned, standards enabling increased competition and use of COTS technology, where appropriate, to achieve significant through-life savings whilst providing a reasonable return on investment for industry.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
35712000 - Tactical Command, Control and Communication systems
32570000 - Communications equipment
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors