Most Suitable Provider (MSP) Intention Notice for the Provision of South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Specialised Forensic Community Services on behalf of South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust via South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Specialised Commissioning Provider Collaborative
SYB Adult Secure Provider Collaborative outlined their clinical model to NHSE in 2021. This clinical model had been coproduced with service users, experts by experience, service partners and their staff. The clinical model clearly articulated the case for change to further reduce reliance on inpatient forensic services and to do this by investing in community based alternatives.The service specification adheres to the outline principles shared by NHS England and focuses on how a system will remodel inpatient services to meet current and future patient demand whilst developing further Community Forensic Services which provide packages of care to patients that will be individualised to meet their needs. Services will work in a new innovative way enabling a system-wide approach to ensure patients are supported to move to less restrictive environments.Through the provision of a pilot SCFT service in Sheffield , the number of out-of-area patients in secure care has reduced considerably, as has the length of stay in inpatient services. . The overarching aim is to continue with this excellent work by expanding the service to cover all SYB patients to ensure equity of care and that all patients continue to move through their pathway efficiently (where it is clinically safe to do so) and are supported once transitioned into the community.The service user transitioning through the local secure service to the SYB SCFT will experience a shared service vision regardless of their diagnosis. The service vision will incorporate a clinical model that supports an enabling environment that is psychologically, and trauma-informed.
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CPV Codes
85140000 - Miscellaneous health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors