Mount Grace Priory - New Build Cafe & Associated Services Project
The project will be to undertake the works inclusive of the following, construction of a new build cafe and associated services at Mount Grace Priory. The project will create a café in the gardens of the Guest House adjacent to the Priory, to provide a much needed facility to enhance the visitor experience. The café is part of a larger project to upgrade the refurbishment of the gardens and the garden/site interpretation; the garden design being undertaken by Chris Beardshaw with interpretation by English Heritage. The café will include internal and external seating, servery, kitchen, backroom, store and toilets. It is envisaged that the construction will be a modular or kit form structure so as to reduce the onsite works; it is the general understanding within English Heritage that the cafe would be a mixture cladding with glazing to allow views of the gardens/house to the North and the orchard to the East. The café will require upgraded services as part of the project, currently there is a limited power supply, one telephone line and water with a drainage system located adjacent to the site. The power will need to be upgraded with a new supply, extra telephone lines will be required and the site drainage filtration system will require a capacity upgrade (private system).
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1 Possible Competitors