
MS/00151 — Heavy Forces Close Support Bridge (CSB) and General Support Bridge (GSB) Systems.


Mobile bridges. Mobile bridges.1. The Authority's Operational Infrastructure Programme (OIP) team has identified a possible future requirement to sustain the Heavy Forces Close Support Bridge (CSB) and General Support Bridge (GSB) capability currently being provided by the BR90 system to support UK forces out to 2040, enhancing the capability to a minimum of Military Load Classification (MLC) 100 (Tracked) to restore unrestricted crossing by UK Heavy Forces by 2022.Only the Assessment Phase (AP) of this project is currently funded.2. Potential options to satisfy the possible requirement will include, but may not be limited to:a. An existing Off the Shelf system; orb. A Modified Off the Shelf system; orc. Modification of the current BR90 systems (see supporting information below), which is likely to address, but may not be limited to:i. MLC upgrade of the bridges;ii. Vehicle obsolescence;iii. Vehicle top hamper obsolescence; andiv. Current bridge fatigue and future bridge fatigue management; ord. A system under development for another Armed Force that shall be available no later than 2022.3. The Authority requires:a. 25 — 33 CSB systems that can be launched/recovered by the TITAN Armoured Vehicle Launch Bridge (AVLB); with each system consisting of 2 x 12-15 m and 1 x 24-28 m bridges rapidly deployable, a supporting replenishment vehicle, and which is desirably scalable up to a minimum of 60 m utilising combination bridging while maintaining the minimum MLC;b. 12 — 16 GSB systems with a span of 28-36 m that can be self deployed, and which is desirably scalable up to a minimum of 60 m while maintaining the minimum MLC;4. The Authority is seeking a Prime Contractor, who shall be BS11000 compliant at the end of the AP of this project.5. Within your Expression of Interest (EOI) you are required to state:a. The system(s) (GSB, CSB, or both) you are able to offer, and which option, as detailed at paragraph 2, are you intending to use. If you are able to meet the requirement outside of these options OIP is willing to consider your solution, but your EOI must provide a brief summary of how you will intend to meet the requirement.b. That you would take Design Authority (DA) responsibility for the system you intend to deliver should the system be chosen at Manufacture Phase.c. As the DA, you shall ensure the system(s) are/is capable of being logistically supported and sustained through life.d. If your option is to modify the current BR90 bridge system(s), you must explicitly state your assumptions relating to the level of design information and previous usage data that you will require.e. Your response to the information required under Technical Capacity.6. Supporting Information:The BR90 bridging capability consists of two systems the CSB and the GSB. A CSB system includes the TITAN AVLB, which is out of scope of this requirement, and 2 x 13.5 m and 1 x 26 m bridges replenished by a Tank Bridge Transporter (TBT). A GSB system consists of a 32 m single span bridge self launched and recovered by BR90 Automotive Bridge Launch Equipment (ABLE) vehicle and supported by BR90 Bridging Vehicles (BV).TBT, ABLE and BV are all Improved Medium Mobility Load Carriers (IMMLC).7. BR90 currently provides:a. MLC 70 (T) CSBi. Launched and Recovered by TITAN AVLB;ii. Resupply via BR90 TBT vehicle (45 off) with IMMLC mobility;iii. 26 m Scissor bridge (48 off);iv. 13.5 m bridge (96 off);v. Combination bridging out to 66 m, including the use of Trestle equipment.b. MLC 70(T) GSBi. Self launched and recovered by BR90 ABLE vehicle (29 off) and supported by BR90 BV (65);ii. 32 m Single Span (32 off);iii. 44 m using Long Span Equipment (10 off) re-enforcing equipment;iv. 62 m using Two Span Equipment (10 off) over fixed and floating piers.8. Please note the following:a. The Authority intends to award a maximum of 6 Contracts for the AP, up to 3 contracts to compliant suppliers for CSB and 3 contracts to compliant suppliers for GSB, in line with departmental affordability and the award criteria and weightings specified in the ITN documents.b. In line with departmental affordability the Authority will impose a cap for each AP contract; suppliers will be notified of the cap value prior to the ITN being released. The Authority will also use their right to negotiate inline with the Competitive Negotiated Procedure to maintain value for money whilst maximising competition through to Demonstration and Manufacture (D&M) phase.c. No further funding or contracts for AP work will be available at a later date for this requirement.d. Successful completion of the AP contract/s will enable the Authority to consider continuation of the requirement through to Demonstration / Manufacture contract/s; which shall be separately advertised and contracted. At this stage please note the D&M phases are NOT funded.e. The ‘total quantity or scope of the contract' and the ‘duration of the contract or time limit for completion' is for the AP only.f. The estimated value of the programme including Demonstration / Manufacture is 300 000 000 GBP and the estimated duration is 7 years.


Published Date :

7th Oct 2014 10 years ago

Deadline :


Contract Start :


Contract End :


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CPV Codes

34144300 - Mobile bridges

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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

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Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors