MSS/109 Lot 2 - Life Jackets, Buoyancy Aids and Flotation Devices - Tactical
Supply and Support of Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs), specifically life jackets, buoyancy aids and other flotation devices, across all Maritime/Amphibious platforms, covering Surface vessels, Submarine and Land Forces operations over water. Activities to be undertaken include project management, initial provisioning, supply of spares, training and post design and technical services The equipment users are identified as a combination of military and civilian personnel with various recreational, operational, and tactical requirements across a spectrum of activities, assets, and environments. The requirement has been divided into two Lots, with this contract being for Lot 2 as below: Lot 2 – Tactical. These PFDs are to perform to the same standard as is required by legislation with specific deviations. These PFD’s will be used for military activities such as Surface or Aviation assault, vertical assault, tactical insertion, construction in a hostile environment as well as riverine operations.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
39525300 - Life jackets
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors