MSSS OBLM Chemical additives to Silo
The Magnox Swarf Storage Silos (MSSS) were designed to store Magnox swarf residues underwater in a series of silo compartments. The liquor in MSSS is not routinely purged. Instead, additions have been made historically to offset losses due to evaporation and occasional liquor transfers, so that the liquor level is maintained. In 2019, there was an increase in the requirement for water top up in the OB. This was associated with a leak to ground. The extent of the leak has stabilised but frequent addition of water is required to compensate for the loss of volume to the ground. As the leak is continuing, testing is required to establish options to decrease or eliminate the extent of the leak. The main elements of the suggested tasks associated to this contract are: •Desk top study •Small scale tests •Review remaining concerns •Decision on short list of materials at joint meeting. •Address large-scale dosing. •Develop deployment scheme. •Assess TRL and report. •Produce confidence and risk statement
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CPV Codes
71631430 - Leak-testing services
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1 Possible Competitors