Multi Disciplinary Consultancy (MDC1) Framework (The North)
CPC are soon to begin the procurement process for a multi-disciplinary consultancy framework. We welcome applications from all interested bidders and companies of all sizes however we have a particular interest in SMEs and companies with a leadership and employee model that is diverse and inclusive.We will be hosting a webinar to outline our proposal and seek feedback from potential bidders. The framework will provide consultancy services across multiple disciplines to the public sector for projects of all sizes. Current proposed work streams include: architecture (including landscaping), principal designer, clerk of works, building services engineer, project manager, cost consultant, structural engineer, employers agent, planning consultants, building surveyors.The framework will be available for North of England, Midlands and East Anglia public bodies.Webinar details:— multi-disciplinary consultancy framework pre-tender engagement webinar;— Tuesday 15 December 2020,— 15.00-16.00.Please use the zoom link to register your interest: framework will run for an initial 2-year period with the option to extend a further 2, and then a further 2 again. It is planned that the framework will run for up to 6 years due to delays in public sector construction programmes, and also some slower lead times on site as a result of Covid constraints.
Pretender :
Not Identified
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors