
Multi-Disciplinary Master Planning Team/design team Consultancy Services


The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) wishes to appoint a Multi-Disciplinary Architect-led Design Team to provide Master Planning and Design Team services to assist the University’s Project Director with the major re-development of their property portfolioThe University wishes to proceed with the commission of the following design-led services:PART ONE Master Planning, to focus on the following:a.Preparing a Master Plan leading to submission and approval of either a revised Outline Planning application or Variation of Condition as required by the Planning Authority for the following site plots at Swansea SA1: A11b, A15, A16, C4, E8, E9F, E6, E7 – total area circa 11 acres (refer to Part 6 Additional Information - Annex 1 for Swansea SA1 Site Plot Plan).b.Preparing a Master Plan, in conjunction with the Welsh Government leading to submission and approval of either a revised Outline Planning application or Variation of Condition as required by the Planning Authority, of the area named ‘Leisure Quarter’ (plots B13, C1, C2, C3, C5, C6 and C7) – total area circa 7 acres (refer to Part 6 Additional Information - Annex 1 for Swansea SA1 Site Plot Plan).c.Supporting the development of a Master Plan for the reconfiguration and/or disposal of the University’s existing estate at their campuses in Swansea (Mount Pleasant, Townhill, and Ty Bryn Glas, primarily). This support would be provided to a separate team focusing on the University’s Asset Disposal Strategy, and led by a Town & Country Planning Adviser. The level of support is not anticipated to be significant, and will mainly focus on coordination with the wider Swansea SA1 Master Plan.d.Carrying out a high level review of the University’s Carmarthen and Lampeter campuses and identifying areas for rationalisation and/or development, with reference to key emerging planning issues, such as the proposed relocation of S4C from Cardiff to Carmarthen. It is estimated that 80%+ of the master planning resource will focus on the University’s Swansea campuses, which reflects the importance of Swansea to the longer term sustainability of the University.e.Ensuring that the Swansea SA1 Master Plan reflects key planning assumptions in Carmarthen and Lampeter.Basis of offers for 1a and 1b: lump sum (refer to Appendix A to the Form of Tender for instructions on how to complete this offer requirement). Basis of offer for 1c, 1d and 1e: time charge in the first instance (lump sums will be agreed upon appointment of the successful tenderer and after the initial brief review meeting with the University this via an agreed resource schedule using the Tenderers submitted hourly rates) (refer to Appendix A to the Form of Tender for instructions on how to complete this offer requirement).PART TWO Multi-Disciplinary Design Team (preferably led by an Architectural organisation, with considerable urban design experience) to obtain a Full Planning approval of a number of selected projects of varying value at selected SA1 sites. Comprises RIBA Plan of Work 2013: following completion of the Master Plans (Service 1) completion of Stage 2 Concept Design and Stage 3 Developed Design.The University wishes to ensure the master planning and design processes follow current guidelines and best practices of design including sustainability. Upon appointment the successful tenderer will be required to work with the University to develop and agree a “Design Code” which will set the parameters for developing the University’s brief and also provide guidance to the master planning process and subsequent development of detailed design. The University wishes to achieve a minimum space utilisation of 35% and this criteria must form part of the design code with guidance on how it can be achieved by considered and careful asset optimisation. The design code will be developed following the principles of best practice and guidelines as promoted by professional institutions and recognised organisations including the following:-Building Research Establishment (BRE) including setting standards for BREEAM-Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE)-Constructing Excellence in Wales (CEW)-Design Commission for Wales (DCFW)Business Information Modelling (BIM): The University wishes to introduce BIM Level 2 in advance of the mandatory all Wales target of 2016 from the start of this commission. The Tenderer is to include within their offer for delivering the requirements of this ITT the required services/procedures/systems to deliver BIM to Level 2. The Tenderer is also required to work with the University to ensure it sets up its own systems to comply with the mandatory all Wales target for BIM Level 2 target by 2016.Discussions with Local Planning Authority and Key Stakeholders including Welsh Government and the Community: The Tenderer is to ensure that they allow adequate provision and resource in their offers for taking part in discussions with these organisations and stakeholders including the community.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at


Published Date :

17th Apr 2014 10 years ago

Deadline :

2nd Jun 2014 10 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors