Multifunctional Devices (MFDs) and Managed Print Services
Lot 1 - Multifunctional Devices (MFDs) and Managed Print Services The City of London Corporation (the City) is seeking quotations for the provision of a Multifunctional Devices (MFDs) and Managed Print Service provider. The primary aim of this contract is to provide the Corporation and associated departments with a Managed Print Service that builds upon the existing service. We are looking for a partner to initially provide a like-for-like replacement of services, and then work with us to put in place a print strategy in order to optimise the service, including reducing usage and machines. The partner will scrutinise services, recommend best practice, and deliver a more efficient print operation that includes changing behaviour across the organisation. Lot 2 - Multifunctional Devices (MFDs) and Managed Print Services (Print Room): The City of London Corporation (the City) is seeking quotations for the provision of a Multifunctional Devices (MFDs) and Managed Print Service provider for the Print Room, at the Guildhall, London, EC2P 2EJ. The primary aim of this contract is to provide the Printing department (Print Room), 5th floor West Wing, Guildhall, City of London Corporation, a Multifunctional Device service provision. The role and main function of this department mainly consists of printing perfect bound committee agendas for the Town Clark’s department’s committee team. Other functions include: - Printing Payslips for the Chamberlains department of the City of London Corporation. - Various types of print for the Election of Lord Mayor and Admission of Sheriffs ceremonies, for example: Booklets, Flyers, Cards, Ballots and Passes. - Other print jobs upon request from other Departments across the Corporation, such as: Menu Cards for the Cook & Butler’s Kitchen, wire-bound booklets and posters (up to SRA3 size).
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79810000 - Printing services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors