Multiparameter Sondes for Fresh Water Monitoring
We are looking to purchase water quality monitoring equipment for the Upstream Thinking project, funded by South West Water. The project aims at understanding the impact of catchment interventions on water quality at catchment scale in both streams and reservoirs. The equipment will be deployed to give us an understanding of (1) turbidity and DOC issues in streams, and (2) algae blooms in reservoirs. In each environment, we seek to deploy a number of sondes (i.e. up to 28 in total) comprising the following combinations of parameters: Sonde A: opH oConductivity/temperature oDissolved Oxygen oTurbidity Sonde B: opH oConductivity/temperature oTurbidity ofDOM Sonde C: oTurbidity oDissolved Oxygen oConductivity/temperature oChlorophyll a oPhycocyanin The equipment will be deployed for a period of time and accessed periodically. It will need to include appropriate biofouling prevention, data logging and power capacity. The data download needs to be similar for all sensors, and all cables and/or hardware must be provided.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
3000000 - Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products
34930000 - Marine equipment
38400000 - Instruments for checking physical characteristics
33141641 - Probes
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors