Multiply - Adult Numeracy Training - Frontline Staff Numeracy Ambassadors
Multiply aims to help people improve their ability to understand and use maths in daily life, home, and work. Whether that be improving household finances, helping children with homework, making more sense of facts in the media, or improving numeracy skills specific to a line of work. To achieve that, multiply will offer a range of options such as personal support, digital training and flexible courses that fit around people's lives and are tailored to specific needs, circumstances, sectors and industries. People who improve their numeracy skills are more likely to be in employment, have higher wages, and better wellbeing. Gaining a maths qualification at Level 2 or equivalent unlocks the door to progress to higher levels of free training to secure a skilled job in the economy. Improved numeracy also matters to businesses right across the country - small and big. Businesses that develop their employees' numeracy skills can boost productivity, increase profits, and improve employee retention. The Frontline Staff Numeracy Ambassadors programme will include training which supports wider sector professionals and front-line staff to develop a positive culture of reference, and a framework for supporting customers to recognise and address their own numeracy skills needs. This will increase capacity of support services to provide positive messaging and proactively signpost individuals to appropriate numeracy training. Capacity building with wider sector professionals and front-line staff will support them to become positive numeracy ambassadors, avoiding negative connotations with the subject when advising potential learners, and upskilling their ability to signpost to the correct programme and/or provide buddying/mentoring support at point of access. Numeracy Ambassadors are not direct beneficiaries of Multiply but act as intermediaries who engage with the target audience and signpost them to further learning and support with improving numeracy skills, breaking barriers, and building confidence. Any learner en
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80400000 - Adult and other education services
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1 Possible Competitors