Musical Instruments, Equipment and Technology Framework
A contract award notice for the DfE's framework for Musical instruments, Equipment and Technology. The Framework is split into the following three Lots;- Lot 1 - Acoustic Instruments (including Adaptive Instruments): Acoustic instruments that do not require electricity, amplification, or technology to produce a sound. This includes acoustic instruments which have been specifically developed or adapted for use by children and young people with SEND. Lot 2 - Amplified, Electric and Digital Musical Instruments: Instruments and equipment that produce or modify sound through electric, electronic, or digital means. This includes items which have been specifically developed or adapted for use by children and young people with SEND. Lot 3 - Other technology and equipment used to enable or support music-making: Additional equipment and software needed to produce, amplify, augment, or record sound, or in other ways support children and young people (including those with SEND) to create and perform music. This includes additional equipment, accessories, or software that can be used in conjunction with, or to support the use of, items outlined in other Lots.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors