Mystery Shopper - Tourist Information Centres
A wide range of businesses, organisations and individuals provide an information service to the visitor through numerous channels. One such channel is the Tourist Information Centre (TIC) Network that are managed and funded by various Managing Authorities in Wales with Visit Wales providing a supporting & monitoring role in the service delivery.There is currently 56 TIC’s in the Network across Wales. Although managed by 28 managing authorities, they operate to a single set of agreed service level descriptors/KPI’s that are monitored for the provision of quality service delivery through a Mystery Shopper programme commissioned by Visit Wales.Welsh Government, through its Visit Wales Department, is seeking to invite tenders for delivery of the annual TIC Mystery Shopper programme commencing April 2013This Mystery Shopper exercise will:?Test the consistency of service against the existing Service Level Descriptors?Evaluate the individual and overall service offered by the TIC?Monitor the manner and accuracy of the response?Recognise excellent customer serviceUnder this requirement testing will undertaken using recognised methods and in addition an itemised assessment report for each TIC, Managing Authority Group & Visit Wales will be required to enable month by month and year by year comparisons.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Website :
Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors