NAMC & NMTR Sustainment
To provide ongoing support to two shipborne NAMC systems and one land based NAMC system until replaced by NMTR as part of this requirement. A typical NAMC system to be supported comprises of; two Servers, two 16 port terminal servers, two ethernet switches, UPS, Rack Power Distribution, User Access Devices (UADs) and printers. Provide ongoing support to eleven shipborne and three land based NMTR systems. A typical NMTR equipment fit to be supported comprises of; two servers, two network switches, two 16 port Digiport servers, UPS, Power Distribution Unit, UAD’s and printers.Complete the technical refresh of the two-remaining shipborne NAMC systems and replace them with the supportable NMTR system and have the option to upgrade up to 4 additional platforms if required. This will require the decommissioning and removal of NAMC followed by the procurement, installation and commissioning of the NMTR system. This work will be undertaken within a UK port or HM Naval Base.Provision of a catalogue service to call off any future NMTR installations in addition to the NAMC upgrade stated in Para 11.Provide an NMTR ‘Off-boarding’ and ‘On-boarding service to enable the transfer of equipment fits between surface platforms as directed by Navy Command. If the ‘On-boarding’ platform is not Fit to Receive (FTR) then a survey and a Fit to Receive package will be required. Provide a service support wrap for both NAMC (whilst in service) and NMTR systems. This support wrap will comprise of 2nd, 3rd & 4th line maintenance, defect rectification, vulnerability patching and anti-virus updates. House the NAMC & NMTR Test and Reference systems in a physically secure and approved location. The provision and management of any 3rd party software licenses.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72720000 - Wide area network services
72710000 - Local area network services
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors