Narrowing the Gap III - Voluntary Sector Bidding Framework 2022 - Market Engagement
Reading Borough Council are completing a Market Engagement exercise to inform a future bidding opportunity for funds to support outcomes related to reducing disadvantage and inequality for marginalised groups, promoting good mental health and wellbeing and reducing the differences in health between groups of people, and encouraging the development of strength and resilience in the Reading community and its citizens. Providers that would like to take part in upcoming engagement events (both in person and online) are invited to 'Express Interest' upon which they will be given access to the full documentation delivered through this portal, where available. Documents can be accessed from the 'My Tenders' area of this website by selecting the 'View Details' button for the project. Expressions of interest should be made by 24th September 2021 by 12 noon for in-person events (although late requests will be considered). Further details of the online event/s is/are to follow. Any questions relating to this opportunity should be made via the correspondence link on this portal or email to
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors