NAT001-0278 Provision of Services to Develop and Deliver a Local Public Relations Campaigns in the Dundee Area
The National Lottery Promotions Unit (NLPU) wishes to appoint a service provider to deliver an innovative, high impact, creative and insight driven PR campaign which will generate traditional coverage and digital impact at a local level targeting Dundee and the immediate surrounding areas. The objectives of the campaign will be: - To win the hearts and minds of people in Dundee by showing them the impact National Lottery money has had in the locale through funding to a wide variety of projects, large and small. We want to tap into a sense of pride and recognition that the National Lottery funds local and relevant projects in their community. We want people in Dundee to view the National Lottery as having people at its heart and making extraordinary things happen. - To acknowledge the £19 million of funding the National Lottery has invested in the V&A Dundee but not focus the campaign on it. Instead we see it as a catalyst to show all the investment into the other arts, education, environment, health, heritage, sport and voluntary/charity projects within the local area and tell the wider impact story of National Lottery funding to Dundee's regeneration. The V&A Dundee is scheduled to launch mid-September. We propose starting our campaign from late October, following the launch, once the noise around it has started to taper off. - To have an overarching theme that would span the campaign lifetime (October 2018 to March/April 2019). - To target Lottery players as our audience (70% of the UK adult population) but we would be looking to target as wide an audience as possible in the Dundee and surrounding area with this campaign. Our baseline research shows that only 34 per cent of people in the Dundee, Perth and Fife area can name one or more projects in their local area. We would like to increase this number. - To provide evidence to our audience of how the National Lottery has changed life for the better in their community. While size and scale is important - and the V&A certainly shows what a large investment looks like - so too is local, small and relevant and the bids should feature projects which resonate with the local audience. - For the successful agency to think carefully about how the campaign can work for young adults (aged 18-25 years-old) and should not apply a one size fits all approach. We know they do not consume media in a traditional fashion and consideration should be given for bespoke activity in this area either through digital influencers, bespoke media partners or other targeted activity. - This will be a test and learn campaign so the bidders should consider how their ideas might be replicated/upscaled to be used in other areas of Scotland further into 2019/20. Service Providers are require to propose: - A PR campaign that takes consideration of the requirements and objectives mentioned in Section 3 above. - Evidence of how the National Lottery
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CPV Codes
79416200 - Public relations consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors