
National Framework Agreement for Professional Services in Construction and Premises.


The Framework Agreement will be available to ALL public sector Contracting Authorities in general as defined at Part 1, paragraph 2 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, all public sectors requiring access to this framework agreement are detailed in the OJEU notice (Client Organisations). The main aim of the framework is to introduce competition in to the market alongside existing consortia framework providers. The framework will allow Client Organisations to direct appoint a Contractor or appoint following a further competition.(Further details will be provided within the specification).The framework will be available for all Academies, main stream Schools and Colleges still under Local Authority control to use and will be open to use by all other public sector bodies in the UK. The main aim of the framework is to introduce competition and give a European Procurement Regulations Compliant route to market for all public sector bodies to use.The framework agreement will be open for the use of all UK Public Sector Bodies to include but not limited to; The Science and Technology Facilities Council, The Medical Research Council, The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, The Economic and Social Research Council, The Natural Environment Research Council, The Arts and Humanities Research Council, The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, The UKSBS Ltd, Central Government Departments and their Agencies, Non Departmental Public Bodies, NHS bodies, Local Authorities, Voluntary Sector Charities, and/or other private organisations acting as managing agents or procuring on behalf of these UK bodies.Central Government Departments, Local Government and Public Corporations that can be accessed at the Public Sector Classification Guide Parks Authorities. Establishments in England and Wales, maintained by the Department for Children, Schools and Families including Schools, Universities and Colleges but not Independent Schools. Forces in the United Kingdom. and Rescue Services in the United Kingdom. Bodies England. in the UK. Social Landlords (Housing Associations)Third Sector and Charities in the United Kingdom. Advice in the United Kingdom. Government. Parliament. Local Authorities. Agencies, NDPBs NHS Bodies. Further and Higher Education Police. Housing Associations.,com_membersdir/Itemid,149/view,membersdir/The Scotland Office. Social Landlords (Housing Associations) — Scotland Schools.Primary Schools. Schools. Schools. Public Bodies.National Assembly for Wales, Welsh Assembly Government and Welsh Local Authorities, and all bodies covered by: Colleges Government Sponsored Bodies Wales Care Wales Public BodiesNorthern Ireland Government Departments Ireland Public Sector Bodies and Local Authorities in Northern Ireland in Northern Ireland and Social care in Northern Ireland Ireland Housing Associations Service of Northern Ireland National Citizen Service (NCS) Office LtdPublic Health EnglandNatural Resource England — and Rescue Services in the United Kingdom framework agreement will be established for a period of 3 years from 1.4.2016, with the option to extend for a further period of up to 1 year, based on satisfactory performance.


Published Date :

19th Jan 2016 9 years ago

Deadline :

17th Feb 2016 9 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

CPV Codes

45212000 - Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants

98341100 - Accommodation management services

71223000 - Architectural services for building extensions

66140000 - Portfolio management services

71221000 - Architectural services for buildings

71500000 - Construction-related services

71420000 - Landscape architectural services

70330000 - Property management services of real estate on a fee or contract basis

45215000 - Construction work for buildings relating to health and social services, for crematoriums and public conveniences

71315200 - Building consultancy services

71200000 - Architectural and related services

71800000 - Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy

71313440 - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services for construction

71250000 - Architectural, engineering and surveying services

71530000 - Construction consultancy services

71311300 - Infrastructure works consultancy services

71240000 - Architectural, engineering and planning services

71311210 - Highways consultancy services

90712000 - Environmental planning

71315000 - Building services

45215100 - Construction work for buildings relating to health

90713000 - Environmental issues consultancy services

71315300 - Building surveying services

71311000 - Civil engineering consultancy services

79994000 - Contract administration services

71324000 - Quantity surveying services

90713100 - Consulting services for water-supply and waste-water other than for construction

71220000 - Architectural design services

71313000 - Environmental engineering consultancy services

71400000 - Urban planning and landscape architectural services

70000000 - Real estate services

71521000 - Construction-site supervision services

71541000 - Construction project management services

45212200 - Construction work for sports facilities

71222000 - Architectural services for outdoor areas

71313400 - Environmental impact assessment for construction

71313450 - Environmental monitoring for construction

72224000 - Project management consultancy services

71322100 - Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works

71315210 - Building services consultancy services

71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services

71315100 - Building-fabric consultancy services

71210000 - Advisory architectural services

71311200 - Transport systems consultancy services

71251000 - Architectural and building-surveying services


National Framework Agreement

Professional Services



public sector Contracting Authorities

Public Contracts Regulations 2015

OJEU notice

Client Organisations



consortia framework providers





Local Authority

European Procurement Regulations

UK Public Sector Bodies

Science and Technology Facilities Council

Medical Research Council

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Economic and Social Research Council

Natural Environment Research Council

Arts and Humanities Research Council

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council


Central Government Departments

Non Departmental Public Bodies

NHS bodies

Local Authorities

Voluntary Sector Charities

private organisations

Public Sector Classification Guide

National Parks Authorities

Educational Establishments

Police Forces

Fire and Rescue Services

NHS Bodies England


Registered Social Landlords

Third Sector


Citizens Advice

Scottish Government

Scottish Parliament

Scottish Local Authorities

Scottish Agencies

Scottish NHS Bodies

Scottish Further and Higher Education Bodies

Scottish Police

Scottish Housing Associations

Scotland Office

Scottish Schools

Welsh Public Bodies

National Assembly for Wales

Welsh Assembly Government

Welsh Local Authorities

Welsh Schools

Welsh Universities

FE Colleges

Welsh Government Sponsored Bodies

NHS Wales

Social Care Wales

NI Public Bodies

Northern Ireland Government Departments

Northern Ireland Public Sector Bodies

Northern Ireland Local Authorities

Schools in Northern Ireland

Universities in Northern Ireland

Health and Social care in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Housing Associations

Police Service of Northern Ireland

National Citizen Service

Post Office Ltd

Public Health England

Natural Resource Wales


Sports England

framework agreement

period of 3 years


satisfactory performance

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors