National Framework Agreement for the Supply of Electricity to NHS Bodies and other public sector org
The COCH Commercial Procurement Service seeks to establish a single supplier national framework agreement to enable NHS Bodies and other public sector bodies to purchase eletricity from the wholesale market. The COCH Commercial Procurement Service will be utilising the services of its energy partner to enable electricity to be purchased flexibly via the wholesale market.The total quantity of electricity required under this framework will be dependent upon the number of NHS Bodies (and other organisations) that utilise the framework, and the number of sites that each organisation has.As this is a framework agreement no firm commitment on any volumes are offered.The COCH Commercial Procurement Service's energy partner currently has a contract in place for the flexible procurement of electricity for an existing portfolio of customers. The delivery period for this contract will end on 31.3.2016. It is anticipated that a number of organisations in the current portfolio of clients will transfer onto the new framework agreement before this date in readiness for the commencement of this Framework Ageement's electricity delivery period. The annual volume of electricity to be purchased via this framework is estimated to be approx 300 GWh but this is provided for indicative purposes only and is subject to change as there are no guarantees that any or all of the current portfolio of clients will transfer to the new framework agreement.The framework agreement will be required to deliver electricity to its customers from 1.4.2016. Upon award of the framework agreement, the framework agreement will be utilised with immediate effect to purchase electricity in advance for the portfolio.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
9310000 - Electricity
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors