
National Leaders of Education Reform - Future Opportunity


The purpose of this Contracts Finder Future Opportunity Notice is to notify the market of the Department for Education (DfE) intention to undertake a procurement exercise to appoint a suitably experienced single contractor to support the delivery of the National Leaders of Education (NLE) reforms. The contractor can be either one organisation, or a group of economic operators. This contracts Finder Future Opportunity Notice is linked to an Early Supplier Engagement Event and a PIN without call for competition. DfE will look to procure the services of a national contractor to: - 1) Identify, recruit, assess and make recommendations to the DfE on the provisional accreditation of NLEs, using the NLE standards to make those judgements; and 2) Design and deliver a development programme for provisionally-accredited NLEs, using an NLE curriculum framework provided by the DfE. The potential contractor will deliver the assessment and training of NLEs over three years beginning in academic year 2020 to 2021; the potential contractor will be required to accredit and train at least 450 NLEs ready for deployment by September 2021; and at least a further 100 by September 2022. The potential contractor will be required to deliver, the NLE assessment and training programme on behalf of the DfE. In summary, there are 4 core functions : 1.Identifying and recruiting applicants; 2.Assessing applicants; 3.Moderation of assessment outcomes; and 4.Training, including follow-on CPD and peer-to-peer support. The potential contractor must have national reach, either by Consortiums, building partnerships or using existing regional infrastructure; and be able to target recruitment towards the needs of schools in most need of support. This will be an evolving picture, the potential contractor's strategy will also need to be adaptable, for example in terms of place, phase or type of school needing support. The potential contractor must nominate a Strategic Lead to have oversight of the programme. The purpose of this role is to bring senior, credible, educational leadership to the programme. During the lifetime of the contract, the training curriculum will change. Two market engagement webinars were hosted by the DfE on 23 April 2020 and 22 May 2020. The information pack, along with slides and Q&A are available at


Published Date :

26th Aug 2020 4 years ago

Deadline :


Contract Start :

1st Dec 2020

Contract End :

30th Nov 2023

Tender Regions

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors