National Procurement, Healthcare Science Apprenticeships L2 & L4, CardioRespiratory Pathways
Health Education England (HEE) are working with employers to develop and run a Pilot Healthcare Science - Cardiorespiratory (HCS-CR) Apprenticeship, (including the Level 2 Diploma or Level 4 Diploma in Healthcare Science) Pilot for 94 apprentices (at either level 2 or level 4) commencing September 2021. , Training providers who can deliver the specific cardiorespiratory units are required to deliver the successful outcomes of this pilot. This is a national pilot; therefore, apprentices will be located across the seven HEE regions; North East & Yorkshire, North West, Midlands, East of England, South East, South West and London., The recent national report for NHS England by Professor Sir Mike Richards: Diagnostics: Recovery and Renewal in England highlighted the Covid-19 pandemic has increased the need "for radical change in the provision of diagnostic services." And, more needs to be done such as new strategies for the development of the non-registrant healthcare science workforce using apprenticeships. New workforce and education models are required to ensure a sustainable pipeline of staff with the specific knowledge and skills required for cardiorespiratory services. , HEE will provide a contributory one off training grant of £15,000 per apprentice to NHS Trusts should the departments application is successful. This funding will be paid to the Trusts/sites in to develop the programme, prepare for the apprentices and support them through the training programme., It will be a condition of award that providers contract pilot programme apprentices via this Procurement.
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CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors