National Space Operations Centre (NSpOC): Space Domain Awareness Capabilities
In 2024, UK Space Command, the Met Office and UKSA established the National Space Operations Centre. Space domain awareness - the ability to understand and respond to what is happening in space - underpins all space activities and is a critical requirement for delivering a wide range of UK civil and military space objectives. NSpOC combines and coordinates civil and military space domain awareness capabilities to enable UK space operations and protect our interests in space and on Earth from space related threats, risks, and hazards. With a combined annual budget of over £20 million and approximately 70 civilian and military personnel, NSpOC plays a vital role in ensuring space remains safe, sustainable and accessible for all. Our mission sets include: • protecting and defending the UK's space interests • missile warning • uncontrolled re-entry early warning • in-space collision avoidance • fragmentation alerting and monitoring • support to licence monitoring • space weather notifications and advice NSpOC is currently considering future requirements to maintain and develop its civil capabilities as set out in the Cross-Government Space Domain Awareness (SDA) Requirements Publication. UKSA wishes to test with the market its appetite to meet some of these requirements and is publishing this RFI alongside a draft Statement of Requirements. If you believe this opportunity will be of interest to you or your organisation, please complete the questionnaire below by the closing date of Friday 17th January 2025 to Applicants can answer as many or as few questions as they feel are relevant to their organisation. Please note there is no template response form - you can structure your responses to the questions below as you see fit.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors