National support service for local authorities to deliver the 2021 Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme
The government is committed to creating more high quality, affordable and flexible childcare, including before and after school and during the school holidays. Our Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF) will provide free childcare, structured activities and food for those on free school meals (FSM), during the Easter, Christmas and summer holidays. The Department is running a procurement for support, advisory and performance monitoring services to assist local authorities with ensuring holiday provision for school-age children across England. This will include (but is not limited to) - 1. Supporting local authorities with the tools and practical guidance on rapidly mapping the current sufficiency of school-age childcare within their region. 2. Providing practical planning and delivery advice to support local authorities in increasing the sufficiency of school-age childcare in their region. This may include identifying potential gaps in provision, supporting the creation of new childcare places, enhancing existing offers and making best use of partnership arrangements with local bodies, schools and other relevant organisations. 3. Regular reporting to DfE against the contract and progress in local authorities. 4. Helping local authorities to create and implement a local communication plan to target parents and hardest to reach communities. 5. Setting up a system of peer-to-peer support amongst local authorities.
Published Date :
Deadline :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75121000 - Administrative educational services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors