National Trust-NI, Provision of services to repair a collapsed breach in a sea wall
Anne's Point was the first managed coastal realignment project in Northern Ireland (NI). It involved breaching the sea wall at two locations to allow tidal flow in and out of the area of reclaimed land. The works were carried out around 15 years ago, but unfortunately one of the breaches has since collapsed and is causing water to be impounded at the site and not egressing as it should. This Project proposes to modify the breach to make it wider and more uniform with scour protection installed at the base of the breach. This will allow better tidal flow at the site which will eventually lead to improved salt marsh creation at Anne's Point providing natural protection to the A20 road from coastal erosion. This Request for Proposal Single Stage (RFP1) sets out the Trust's situation and objectives in respect of seeking a proposition for the provision of services to include the repair of a collapsed breach in the sea wall in the location of Anne's Point, Mountstewart, Strangford Lough, NI and seeks information from a range of suppliers as to capacity, capability, relevant experience, proposed solution and cost. Further details on the Opportunity are available via the Proactis. The opportunity closes on 15th of November 2024 at 5pm. This opportunity is being conducted on the Proactis Plaza portal. Click on the "Opportunities" button and filter on Customer name - The National Trust All communication is to be carried out via the Proactis portal. Participating Suppliers will bear their own costs, and seek appropriate advice, for the preparation of their response.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45246410 - Flood-defences maintenance works
45246000 - River regulation and flood control works
45245000 - Dredging and pumping works for water treatment plant installations
45243000 - Coastal-defence works
45248000 - Construction work for hydro-mechanical structures
45246510 - Boardwalk construction work
45246400 - Flood-prevention works
45246200 - Riverbank protection works
45246100 - River-wall construction
45240000 - Construction work for water projects
45242000 - Waterside leisure facilities construction work
45241000 - Harbour construction works
45247000 - Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
45246500 - Promenade construction work
45244000 - Marine construction works
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors