Natural England’s Advice on Development Projects
Defra procuring on behalf of Natural England: Natural England wishes to understand how effective our advice is (both written and face to face), in securing positive natural environment outcomes, which comply with the National Planning Policy framework and deliver locally appropriate solutions to environmental issues. We wish to assess selected medium and high priority casework to understand how our advice is being taken on board and whether environmental elements are fully implemented. The research should look at the full range of environmental topics covered in the National Planning and Policy Framework that Natural England has responsibility for (including biodiversity, landscape, soils, access and recreation, etc.) in relation to the selected cases. The findings will be used to inform future Natural England engagement in development management and the tools that we utilise. It will also assist discussions with local planning authorities, stakeholders and developers on ways of working that make the most effective use of Natural England’s expertise and best assist them in the preparation of sound project proposals and decisions.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors