Navigational Dredging and Disposal Impact Pathways for Non Native Species
NE are looking to commission an evidence review on the risk from navigational dredging and disposal activities as a pathway of introduction for Non-Native Species (NNS). We have limited information on the mechanisms by which this activity could spread NNS, with a particular concern to invasive species. We are keen to understand the survival rates of species from dredging activity and through disposal, particularly for coastal /estuarine beneficial use and beneficial placement disposal sites as well as understand the subsequent (if any) risk to statutory protected sites and the wider seas. This information will help inform our advice to regulatory bodies as well as support development of a future guidance note to be developed by Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies on beneficial use of dredged material.
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CPV Codes
90713000 - Environmental issues consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors