NCCE - Invitation to Tender - Demand Generation
Summary STEM Learning Ltd invites proposals from interested parties to successfully support the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) to raise awareness amongst schools and colleges of the support offered by the NCCE, to ensure full engagement and participation. The National Centre for Computing Education is seeking tenders from interested parties to increase the level of engagements with schools, colleges and teachers in England from the period 11 November 2019 to 31 August 2020. 1. Proposals should be submitted no later than 16:00 on Monday 4 November 2019. 2. Proposals must be submitted in line with the process and timescales set out in the relevant sections below. Background The vision of the NCCE is for every child in every school in England to have a world-leading computing education. The NCCE and its associated programmes has two central drivers: •to generate pupil interest and demand for computer science qualifications in the future and; •to upskill teachers to be more confident in their delivery of Computing. The Consortium of STEM Learning, BCS, The Chartered Institute of IT, and the Raspberry Pi Foundation have been leading this work drawing on wide experience of delivering outstanding CPD and support for teachers at scale, a track record for high quality learning content, deep subject knowledge, and unrivalled networks. We have started to put this in place by: •Establishing the National Centre for Computing Education as a virtual institution to provide leadership, expertise, evidence-based interventions; free, quality-assured curriculum-linked resources; and online CPD. •Creating a Network of Computing Hubs to lead the delivery of computing CPD in local areas, at no-cost to priority schools and low-cost to all schools. The ambition is to provide face to face CPD for over 21,000 teachers, free online CPD for over 25,000 with the focus on priority schools and to provide over 500 hours of free resources. •Establishing the Computer Science Accelerator (CSA) Programme to provide free high quality professional development to upskill and certify 8,000 teachers with CPD to support their teaching and delivery of the Computer Science GCSE programme.
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CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors