NDR Reforms - Customer Communications Research
The VOA would like to understand more about non-domestic rates ratepayers specifically those who are exempt from paying rates (as they are a small business) or who are not businesses. This research seeks to understand and measure their attitudes, behaviours, and preferences, including: What are their attitudes and behaviours regarding their business rates? E.g. do they: believe their rates bill is fair believe rates has a big impact on their finances believe business rates to be a fair system classify themselves as good corporate citizens use or would seek to use a professional to help them manage their rates liability etc. What are the characteristics of their business/organisation and their properties? E.g., business type and business size type of property number of properties they own or occupy whether they get a rebate on their rates. Where do customers go to seek help or advice about general business matters and if applicable, their business rates? Which sources are most important, valuable, trusted? How do customers prefer to receive updates, news, help or advice? E.g., channel, style of information or communication.
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CPV Codes
73210000 - Research consultancy services
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1 Possible Competitors