NEPO417 Janitorial and Facilities Supplies Framework Solution
The Supply and Delivery of a range of Janitorial and Facilities Supplies products which fully meets the requirements of Contracting Authorities and NEPO Associate Members (North East Region) in the preparation, cleaning and treatment of a diverse range of flooring and surfaces., The scope of the requirements for the NEPO417 Janitorial and Facilities Supplies covers the following Sections:, • Section 1 - Cleaning Chemicals (Domestic & Industrial), • Section 2 - Janitorial Supplies, • Section 3 - Washroom Supplies, • Section 4 - Environmentally Friendly Alternatives, It is NEPO's intention to appoint a maximum of 5 Contractor(s) to the Framework Agreement. All Contractor(s) appointed to the Framework will need to provide national coverage. NEPO Member Authorities and NEPO Associate Members in the North East Region will use 1st Ranked Contractor throughout the entire Framework Period, NEPO National Associate Members who want to utilise this Framework Agreement will be required to undertake their own mini-competition for their needs, where all 5 Contractor(s) appointed to the Framework will be invited to submit a bid in line with their Framework rates.
Published Date :
Deadline :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
39830000 - Cleaning products
Status :
Assign to :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Website :
Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors