Net Zero Carbon Emissions RoadMap - London Borough of Sutton
In order to gain a better understanding of value for money for decarbonisation, a Carbon Management Plan is being commissioned to identify the top ten emitters of the Council owned assets, the carbon reduction interventions needed, and the cost per carbon reduction. A roadmap/pathways study could inform the Sutton Council administration on best cases and likely scenarios to reach net zero carbon emissions for council operations (Scope 1&2) by 2030 as well as the options to enable a net zero carbon emissions for the London Borough of Sutton (Scope 3) and the benefit this would have in terms of emissions reduction as well as other benefits - for example employment, air quality and more. The objective of this study is to provide Sutton Council administration and partners with the required information to radically reduce its carbon footprint while enabling a better place to live for Sutton residents, including increased employment and prosperity, reduced poverty and inequality cleaner air, and improved public health/ Sutton Council seeks the information - in terms of value for money, cost benefit - to stimulate the development of the city through climate action with investment in the decarbonisation of homes, businesses and modes of transport. Please see tender documentaton for details
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71313000 - Environmental engineering consultancy services
90700000 - Environmental services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors