Network availability/possession management - Periodic Review 23, stakeholder engagement and additional assurance for ORR
We are looking for a consultant to engage with stakeholders and provide its expert opinion, to help ORR to reach a robust evidence-based policy position on its new approach to monitoring network availability and possession management in CP7. This will help us build a robust proposal, informed by the views of operators, the infrastructure manager and other stakeholders impacted by both the change in incentive regime and our monitoring approach. In terms of wider outcomes, this study should provide evidence for a robust approach for monitoring network availability and possession management in CP7 to be outlined in our Final Determination, published in October 2023. This should be based on a suite of measures and qualitative information we can use to monitor Network Rail. We do not expect this work to propose the development of new metrics to monitor Network Rail's management of possessions and network availability, ahead of implementation of rail reform. Instead, this work should highlight the strengths and weaknesses of current measures, so GBR can consider these in the development of any future measures post rail reform.
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1 Possible Competitors