New Anglia Peer Network Programme
This invitation sets out the requirements for the delivery of facilitation and one to one support as part of the implementation of the New Anglia Peer Network Programme, funded by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), to deliver a series of Peer Networks, with cohorts of eleven people, through the New Anglia Growth Hub, consisting of owners and/or managers from the SME business community participating in each network. The Programme will see the creation of a series of peer networks (cohorts) through the Growth Hub network, with each group consisting of 11 owners or managers from the SME business community participating in each network. Led by an experienced Facilitator, these Peer Networks will typically meet fortnightly as part of delivering 18 hours of action learning through 2-3-hour sessions. Individual one-to-one support (coaching, mentoring, or advice) will also be provided directly by the Programme, to help to implement and manage change. Active involvement in the Peer Network will enhance the leadership capabilities, knowledge and confidence of business owners and entrepreneurs within a local region. It will help build regional connectivity and strength within the SME business community. To ensure successful delivery the facilitator has three main strands of responsibility: •Management and direction of their individual peer network(s) and its successful facilitation using the principles of action learning •Individual one-to-one communication with each participant to support reflection and provide signposting to the most appropriate local support •The capture of information, data, and insight to help inform contract manager and programme about frequent hot topics for delegates
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors