NEW Devon CCG - Children and Young People Complex Personal and Nursing Care Framework Agreement
NHS Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS South Devon and Torbay Clinical Commissioning Group are looking to procure services for children and young people eligible for health funding, to support assessed health and eligible social care need. This includes support for those individuals who are in receipt of Continuing Healthcare funding, s.117 aftercare arrangements and a range of other local funding streams to support rehabilitation, specialist support and interventions, intermediate care, and step down services. The Commissioner is responsible for the direct contracting of support for children and young people eligible for health funding to support assessed health and eligible social care need. To enable children and young people to receive person centered care whilst living at home the Commissioner has a need to commission Providers to deliver high quality personal care to support the child, family and carers. These children and young people with complex health care needs require a registered nurse to undertake a clinical lead role and provide clinical oversight and management of the package of support, with the care delivered by highly competent non-registered health care staff, but may require the direct provision of registered nursing staff to deliver care. Caring for children with complex needs in a community setting is an area of specialised work focused on the services and professionals that offer nursing support and interventions to children who have very different physiological and psychological needs to adults. Commissioners recognise that community children's services are fundamental to improving urgent care, through minimising unplanned hospital admissions and reducing the number of days that children and young people spend in hospital.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors