New Homes for Wales. Construction of new build housing projects
Welsh Procurement Alliance seek to establish a framework for the construction of new build housing projects. The works (including associated services and/or supplies) to be delivered include the development of new build housing projects, including ‘Housing’ (housing, bungalows, flats, apartments etc.) and ‘Accommodation’ (sheltered accommodation, care homes, extra care e.g. dementia) student accommodation etc. The proposed scope would also include, but not limited to: - Conversions to form new dwellings, flats, bedsits or any other form of accommodation. - Any joint ventures, partnerships and such like between contracting authorities and principal contractors. - Package deals between contracting authorities and contractors. - The provision of community facilities as part of a wide construction project. E.g. parks, playgrounds, community centres, schools etc. - The provision of commercial units as part of a construction project. E.g. Where a client is proposing a mixed use scheme of domestic dwellings and commercial premises. - Private housing, including shared ownership, homes for sale etc. - Demolition, Decontamination and Associated Site Enabling Works Demolition, Decontamination and Associated Site Enabling Works The scope for this workstream will include the demolition, clearance and decontamination of a construction site to enable further development works to commence. These services may include: - Demolition - Site clearance - Diversion and/or disconnection of existing site services - Geotechnical and exploratory ground investigation and surveys - Separation from existing buildings - Decontamination. - Ground improvement and/or compaction. - Creation of access routes, ramps, security provisions and signage - Provision of utilities to the site (temporary or permanent) WPA is currently consulting with a number of Contracting Authorities across Wales who are being asked to be named as potential commissioners and users of the proposed framework when it becomes live in 2025. Most of these named contracting authorities have used WPA housebuilding frameworks/DPS over the past 5 years for various new build housing works. These are indicative of potential users and not a formal commitment to use this Framework once live. Other Contracting Authorities as per the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 can call off from the framework. - Barcud Housing Association - Bron Afon Housing Association - Caerphilly County Borough Council - First Choice Housing Association Ltd - Merthyr Valleys Homes - Newydd Housing Association (1974) Ltd - Pobl Group - Valleys to Coast Group - Wales and West Housing Association
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors