New School of Engineering (Project Manager)
As a result of the formation of the School of Engineering on the 1st January 2016, significant changes have taken place in the disciplines of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering (EESE). This, combined with a rapidly changing engineering landscape, corresponding investments by competitor institutions, the School's ambition, forms a compelling basis for a significant investment in the School's estate and infrastructure. The investment required would transform the School's estate, providing: i.A striking new development, which will be a signature build for both the School and the University, with a design synonymous with Engineering at Birmingham. ii.Refurbished and upgraded areas of the current Mechanical / Civil building (Y3), to assist in accommodating areas of EESE research activity and student-facing advanced project spaces akin to the CTL Phase 1 space already housed in Y3. A new School of Engineering building will achieve the aim to co-locate as much of the School's activity as possible, and it will provide the facilities needed in the long-term to allow the School the opportunity to grow significantly (both in terms of student numbers and research strength) and meet its ambitions to be one of the sector leaders for these Engineering disciplines.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71541000 - Construction project management services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors