Newlyn Crab Company Ltd - Solar Panel System
Newlyn Crab Company Ltd has grown out of 2 brothers love of the sea and its produce. Nev had taken to sea as a crab fisherman, following in his father's footsteps. But then he injured his arm in a fishing accident off the Cornish coast in 2001. His brother Rich, just back from backpacking around Central America, headed down to Newlyn to help him recuperate. They quickly realised that there was a market for fresh hand picked crab meat, so with a limited budget and a homemade crab boiler,they started picking crab and supplying local pubs and restaurants. Hence the beginning of the Newlyn Crab Company journey. In the last 20 years Nev and Rich have worked hard together to create the company they are proud off, although the original company has now been divided into two different companies, they still work very closely together to produce the finest crab products for the likes of Waitrose, Able & Cole and Booths. As a company we take our responsibility very seriously, all boats landing to us are registered fishing vessels, we are stringent with our checks and procedures, to make sure no undersized or egg laden females are landed to us. The boats are checked by the MMO (Marine Management Organisation) to ensure compliance, with hefty fines for boats and processors that do not comply. We are also routinely checked by the Cefas (Centre of environment, fisheries aquaculture science) Who are the government's marine and freshwater science experts. They help keep our seas, oceans and rivers healthy and productive and our seafood safe and sustainable. We are proud as a business to be part of the community to support the health of the marine environment, keeping our seas clean and productive for future generations and sustainability. To install a solar panel array on the roof of the factory to reduce our carbon footprint and significantly reduce our energy bills. The purchase of this system is part of a grant funded application process and therefore procurement will be subject to grant approval of the project. We will assess tenders received on a Most Economically Advantageous Tender.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
9332000 - Solar installation
9331000 - Solar panels
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors