
Newport Unlimited 2020 Master Plan Refresh


The Welsh Assembly Government on behalf of the Welsh Ministers, wish to commission a refresh of the Newport Unlimited, the Urban Regeneration Company 2020 Master Plan originally produced in 2003/4. The value of this work is up to £40,000 and must be completed within two to three months.The purpose of the Newport Unlimited 2020 Master Plan Refresh is to ensure the Urban Regeneration Company’s forward programme and strategy are fit for purpose in terms of delivering the future regeneration of Newport. The commission will be managed by a steering group, and will involve three aspects: a brief review of the 2004 Master Plan and report with recommendations on the impact of both changes in national, regional and local policies, and of the changing economic markets on the contents of the Master Plan; focussed public and business stakeholder engagement, analysis leading to recommendations; and, production of a refreshed 2020 Master Plan in the form of a supplement to the original document. The commission will require a close working relationship with other consultants currently undertaking other studies in Newport on behalf of the Welsh Assembly Government, Newport City Council, Newport Unlimited, and the Local Service Board partners. The successful consultant is expected to have the capability to provide professional assessment across a range of regeneration aspects, business analysis, planning and other policies, master planning, sustainable development, innovation, communication and stakeholder engagement. The appropriate team members must have the ability to engage with stakeholders in welsh as well as english if required. Expressions of interest may therefore wish to propose using a consortium of technical specialists to undertake the elements comprising this commission. Given the fixed fee nature of this commission, and the demanding time-frame for the work, the successful consultant must have excellent project management skills. The work will produce an up-date report which delivers a review and refresh of the vision and strategy, of the pipeline developments and the forward development programme of the Urban Regeneration Company. The up-date will reaffirm the development framework, set out any changes from the 2004 document, and list the reviewed and refreshed direction of work for Newport Unlimited over the short, medium and longer-term. These actions will be based not only on what the market could deliver (looking to the future economic climate), but also on what is possible if the Urban Regeneration Company can steer the market and investment. Recommendations will highlight how the activities will support and facilitate economic regeneration, social well-being and environmental improvement, how they are based on the principles of sustainable development, sustainable travel and support the over-arching objectives of the One Wales Agenda (2007) and the Wales Spatial Plan (2008).The dead-line for receipt of a completed pre-qualification questionnaire is 2pm on Tuesday 17th August 2010. The awarding Authority reserves the right to request parent company and/or other guarantees of performance and financial liabilityPayment terms will be indicated in the contract documents. Tenders to be priced in Sterling. Payment made in Sterling only.No special legal form required but joint and several liability assumed by all group bidders before acceptance.The Authority reserves the right to consider variant bidsThe Authority reserves the right to split the requirement into lotsThe Contract will have an option to extend the duration up to a period of a further 3 months


Published Date :

2nd Aug 2010 14 years ago

Deadline :


Contract Start :


Contract End :


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Status :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors