NHS Barnsley CCG : Health provision for Children and Young People in Barnsley Special Schools
The Children's Paediatric Community Nursing Team (provided by Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) provide care and support for children from birth to 16 years old in their own homes, working in collaboration with both general practitioners and hospital staff. This team consists of a number of specialist nurses and supports children/young people and their families with a wide range of conditions, including children with special needs who need specialist support. From a Children's Community Nursing (CCN) team perspective they will support any child, regardless of the school they attend, who needs a nursing intervention providing they are actively on the CCN's case load to undertake a review of the child or if a procedure needs to be carried out. There is however a further need beyond the remit of the CCN Team to support all children and young people with both SEND and a medical condition educated in a specialist school in order to assist them in achieving their full potential. This service specification outlines the additional health provision to be provided to all such children and young people in the borough of Barnsley, focusing initially on those children attending Greenacre school (including Greenacre Satellite schools) and Springwell Learning Community but evolving to support similar children and young people in mainstream schools within Barnsley. Greenacre School and Springwell Learning Community recognise and are committed to fulfilling their statutory duties, roles and responsibilities under Section 100 of the Children and Families Act 2014 in making arrangements for supporting pupils at the schools with medical conditions. In meeting the duty, the schools have regard to Department for Education statutory guidance issued by the Secretary of State 'Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions- (December 2015)' and referenced above. To support the Barnsley Special Schools to fulfil their statutory duties in making arrangements for supporting pupils at school with medical conditions, Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) wishes to commission an 'on-site' health care provision. This health care provision will enable Barnsley Special Schools to adhere to their 'Supporting Children with Medical Needs' policies. The aim of this policy is to ensure that : Every child attending a Barnsley Special School (including pupils at satellite schools) with medical conditions is properly supported so that they have full access to education, including school trips and physical education. Arrangements are in place on-site at Greenacre School to support pupils at school with often complex medical conditions, and supportive arrangements are in place at Springwell Learning Community to ensure that staff are equipped with the skills, knowledge and mechanisms to meet the medical needs of all pupils. The stated contract value is based on a 5 year duration
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CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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1 Possible Competitors