NHS Calderdale CCG Intermediate Care Nursing and Residential Homes Beds.
The purpose of this service is to provide intermediate care beds for adults who do not need to be in hospital, but who need a period of intensive rehabilitation before returning to their usual place of residence. The service will have a strong rehabilitation focus, with individuals being supported to regain their optimal level of functional independence and to self care wherever possible. The service will have the following components:— Welcoming the individual and their carer/family immediately on arrival.— Informing the individual and their carer/family of the purpose of admission, rehabilitation process, such as goal setting and discharge planning, within 48 hours of admission.— Contributing to assessment, care planning, review and discharge planning undertaken by the SIT (Support and Independence team led by Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust) as appropriate.— Providing personal care within a philosophy of intermediate care to promote rehabilitation and re-ablement through assistance, encouragement, for people to acquire/re-acquire self-care, personal care, mobility and other skills to maximise the independence of the individual, delivered in accordance with the individual's goal orientated delegated work plan. This will include individuals working towards control of their own medication.— Providing nursing care over a 24 hour period, 7 days per week— Ensuring that each individual receives the highest possible standard of nursing care based on an assessment of individual need, and on evidence-based practice.— Making arrangements to meet any nursing needs such as oxygen, pressure mattress, wound dressing, etc. Any specific therapy equipment required will be accessed through the SIT.
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors