NHS Calderdale, Greater Huddersfield & North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Groups Posture & Mobility Service Market Engagement
The Calderdale & Kirklees Posture and Mobility Service is commissioned and jointly funded by NHS Calderdale, Greater Huddersfield and North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG's). The service provides equipment to meet the postural and mobility needs of all people who are eligible to receive NHS services within Kirklees and Calderdale. This does predominately mean wheelchairs and specialist postural seating. As part of the commissioning cycle the CCGs would like to gather information and opinions from experienced service providers to help us to develop the service and be prepared to deal with future demands. In common with other parts of the country, demand for posture and mobility equipment is growing, due to an ageing population and increasing numbers of children with more complex needs. As budgets are not increasing at the same rate we need to make the best use of the funding we have.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors