NHS Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG and NHS Swale CCG Adult Community Services.
The Commissioners are looking to re-procure adult community services under a new contract to maximise the potential for delivery of a progressive service which has the flexibility and creativity to meet the current and future needs of for patients, the service and the health economies more widely. This will enable the Commissioners to deliver the aspirations stated with their Strategic and Operational plans.This notice gives detail to potential bidders regarding the procurement process to be followed.The anticipated portfolio of adult community services that will be tendered now comprises:— Community Hospitals;— Rapid Response Team;— Community Nursing;— Community continence service;— Intermediate Care service;— Community physiotherapy service;— Community podiatry;— Speech and language therapy;— Community specialist nursing including but not exclusively; neuro rehab, cardiac, pain therapy, respiratory, diabetic, epilepsy.The current cost of these services is in the order of 26 000 000 GBP per annum.NHS Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG and NHS Swale CCG are looking to transfer the whole portfolio of services ‘as is’, but with the proviso that there will be significant re-engineering of the services as soon as possible in the new contract life to deliver potentially alternative models of care which provide high quality services at affordable costs.There is an expectation that the successful provider will maximise opportunities for integration with social care (for adults) and other health providers, such as the ambulance service, voluntary and charitable providers, acute trusts, mental health and learning disability services and primary care. At the same time, an approach to local delivery which respects the particularities of each health economy and the objectives of emerging GP consortia will be required, especially in respect of the day to day work of key community staff.In view of the potential requirement for service re-engineering which will require funding and/or pump priming, the term of the contract will be for seven years, with the option to extend the contract for a further 3 years. The contract to be entered into by The Commissioners and the selected Provider will be based on the NHS Standard Contract for Community Services in force at the time of contract award.NHS Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG and NHS Swale CCG are looking to progress this procurement process through a competitive dialogue process, which will centre on the following elements:The effective safe transfer of existing staff and services to a context where terms and conditions will not be a disincentive for recruitment and retentionThe development, integration and transformation of services for quality and cost improvement. There is a clear expectation that activity must be shifted from acute to community settings in planned and unplanned care where that is clinically appropriate and less costly.NHS Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG and NHS Swale CCG will work with potential providers to secure mutual understanding of financial and service delivery models during the competitive dialogue process. The successful bidder is likely to be the one which best assures Commissioners of the soundness of its transformational plans in clinical and financial terms, and that it will deliver local accountability to GP Commissioning consortia.After due consideration by the Commissioners, a comprehensive tender for a single contract covering Adult Community Services for the two CCG's will be sought. The Commissioners have no preference whether this is one organisation, a Lead contractor or a Consortium. The selected provider will however be expected to operate under a payment mechanism at service line level for each CCG.Indicative Key Milestones/Dates currently envisaged for the procurement process are as follows:Publish PQQ/MOI documentation 8.5.2015.Bidder Event 19.5.2015.To be held on the afternoon of 19th May in Gravesend (see below).PQQ/MOI submission deadline 12:00 5.6.2015.Full details of the indicative timeline and all tender requirements are available in the tender documentation.Services will be expected to be in place for service provision to commence on 1.4.2016.Important: Bidders should note this tender is being administered on behalf of NHS Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG and NHS Swale CCG by NHS Commercial Solutions. The tender is being published through Contract Finder, the Official Journal of the European Union (on a voluntary basis), and details are also being made available on the CCG's web sites.The formal tender process will be conducted via the NHS Commercial Solutions Bravo e tendering system. You will be required to register on the Bravo system if you have not previously done so. This can be done at any time via this web link: is the only route through which NHS Commercial Solutions will conduct communications with Potential Bidders, and accept completed Pre Qualification Questionnaires.Bidder Event 19 May.NHS Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG and NHS Swale CCG will be holding a Bidder event on the 19th May 2015, from 13.00 - 15.30 hrs. The event will be held at The Council Chamber, Gravesend Civic Centre, Windmill Street, Gravesend Kent DA12 1AU.Potential Bidders wishing to attend this event should register their attendance by Friday 15th May, by emailing their interest to: with the following details:Name of attendee(s), Job title of attendee(s), Organisation details, including address and contact details. Please ensure that the title of the email contains the reference ‘NHS Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley CCG and NHS Swale CCG Adult Community Services’. Please note that dependent on the response the number of attendees per organisation may need to be limited.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors