NHS Devon CCG - Transforming Care Partnership - commissioning arrangements for individuals with a learning disability or Autism and behaviours that challenge - Market Launch Event
Transforming Care Market Launch Event - Market Opportunity Dear Provider, The Transforming Care Partnership (TCP) remains grateful for the support, input and engagement that you have provided us to date to helping us to shape our market strategy to support individuals returning to Devon, Plymouth and Torbay under the Transforming Care Programme (individuals with a LD/Autism and behaviours that challenge). Over the last 12 months we have heard clearly from you the challenges you face with the current pathway, process and commissioning approach for individuals with the most complex needs. We are now in a position to share with you an exciting opportunity to join a 'test of change' that will enable us to work in a more collaborative way, sharing expertise, knowledge and skills in order to deliver the best outcomes for individuals who require support. The next step in this process is to invite providers to join us on this exciting journey through an expression of interest process. The test of change will require providers to offer a package of care and support to at least one of the individuals due to return later this year, on a long term basis. This process will replace the existing brokerage mechanisms for these individuals and it is therefore essential that providers consider expressing an interest in order to provide this support. In order to share our plans with you in detail, and advise you of the steps necessary to formally express an interest to work with us on this, we are planning a Market Launch Event on: Thursday 31st October 2019, 09:30-13:00 at Buckfast Abbey To book a place, please email Due to capacity it will be necessary to limit attendees to one per organisation. We look forward to seeing you then, Chris Morley, Market Development Lead, NHS Devon CCG Shona Charlton, Head of Learning Disabilities, NHS Devon CCG
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors