NHS England Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme Patient Management System and support services
NHS England is to conduct market engagement to obtain input and feedback in preparation for a potential tender of a AAA Patient Management System and Support Service. The aim of the service is to support the NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Programme (NHS AAA) to reduce AAA related mortality by providing a web-based system that supports local screening services via six main components: 1)Identification of Screening cohort via Subject Population Index (SSPI) - The purpose of this is to identify people eligible for screening, and to provide and maintain demographic data for all identified screening subjects. This provides AAA Screening with the eligible cohort and provides demographic updates from GPs through NHS England Live services. The cohort is supplied to each provider approximately five months prior to the start of the screening year to allow for clinical planning. 2)Management of administration, screening and referral - This supports the core functionality for the screening programme, as described in the background above: a)the collation of a screening cohort for each local screening programme b)administration of screening subject call and recall, c)management of the surveillance programme d)recording of the screening process and associated outcomes, e)management of referrals for those screened positive f)collation of audit and performance management data for the programme. g)Where men have asked to be permanently removed from the NHS AAA Screening Programme; recording the reason and removing contact details. 3)The data for the AAA Screening programme stored in a single national database, and each Local screening unit only has access to the patients for whom they are responsible. The boundaries of local screening programmes are defined by the list of GP practices to which they are responsible for offering screening. 4)Recording of AAA surgery and outcomes - measuring the effectiveness of the screening programme by collating data on AAA Screening outcomes (whether following a positive screen or not) and linking findings with the National Vascular Registry (NVR) to support the National Vascular Network. 5)Details of all AAA surgery performed by the vascular unit should be entered on to the NVR by the vascular surgeon using the man's NHS number and made available to the screening office though the IT systems (the NHS number must be entered to allow the records to be linked automatically). 6)Managed service desk support services
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CPV Codes
72260000 - Software-related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors